• Our Roots

        • Our Mission

        • Early Muslims UK

        • Our Tradition

        • Our Roots

        • Our Mission

        • Early Muslims UK

        • Nursery Years (4-5 Years Old)

        • Primary Years (6-10 Years Old)

        • Secondary (11-12 Years Old)

        • Secondary (13-15 Years Old)

        • Beginning of Guidance

        • Knowing the Prophet ﷺ

        • The Arabic School

        • Tajwid

        • The Shama’il

        • Sirah For Kids

        • Islamic Manners

        • Essential Classes


Welcome to CK Academy

The City of Knowledge is a name derived from the Prophetic saying, ‘I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its door’. Knowledge is a praiseworthy attribute that enhances the rank of its possessor. Allah, Most High, raised the ranks of the faithful with particular mention to the people of knowledge. He said, ‘Allah raises the faithful from amongst you and those given knowledge in stations/ranks’.

The Prophet peace be upon him was, therefore, the highest in rank as he was given knowledge of all that which he knew not. Allah, Most High, said, ‘And we taught you that which you knew not and the bounty of Allah upon you is great’.

It was through imparting this knowledge that the prophet peace be upon him built the first Muslim community; taking them out of the darkness of ignorance and into the light of guidance. And he peace be upon him saw the imparting of this sacred knowledge to be the survival of his community forever to come. He said, ‘I am leaving behind that which if you cling on to it, you will never deviate; The Book of Allah and my Sunnah’.

The City of Knowledge Academy endeavors to rise to the challenge and offer an institution of learning where traditional Islamic knowledge is imparted to all ages. Its certified teachers will strive to nurture and disseminate a balanced and accurate Islam: firmly rooted in the foundation of Islam and highly branched out to the world. Fertile earth, enough sunlight and water are essentials in the growing of fruitful plants and fragrant flowers

The City of Knowledge Academy is a non-profit organisation registered as a charity in England and Wales at 1137342. We aim to provide traditional Islamic learning to all ages. Our policy is to use modern techniques to serve the presentation of knowledge in a friendly manner. Our conviction is that knowledge can only be truly learnt if it is ‘lived’. So, hence, our motto is ‘to learn it is to live it’.

Up Till Now

Since its founding in 2009 in Birmingham, UK, The Academy has offered a broad range of high-quality educational programs, conferences, courses, consultation services, recreational activities and lectures delivered by some of the world, respected Muslim scholars. By serving Muslims in various areas of life and by addressing some of the most challenging issues of our time, the academy has established a reputation as a pioneering centre to serve Islam and the Muslim.

Traditional Methodology

We seek knowledge from the primary sources of the Quran and Sunnah, as they have been understood and explained by the masters of our tradition through the highly comprehensive and accurate Ijaza system of transmission. The Ijaza system guards against whimsical and baseless thought and opinion. We are a text-based people who have conclusive statements of reference in the primary sources or collective wisdoms in unanimous agreements and analogical derivations of recognised scholars.

Traditional Islamic learning employs the method whereby students are tutored with text and nurtured with care. The teacher-student relationship is like that of the parent-child in love and care, and respect and honour. This sense of loyalty makes it intrinsically incumbent upon the student to in delve deep into the scholarship and spiritual state of the teacher. Once the teacher is confident with the training of the student with absolute loyalty to the tradition itself only then is the student certified.

The Three Principles 

The City of Knowledge Academy nurtures its students upon the following three principles
1. Learning the sciences of Islam through un-broken chains of transmission taken from reliable scholars.
2. Practicing knowledge with adopting fine Prophetic character throughout.
3. Teaching and conveying the message in its original form.


Welcome to CK Academy

The City of Knowledge is a name derived from the Prophetic saying, ‘I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its door’. Knowledge is a praiseworthy attribute that enhances the rank of its possessor. Allah, Most High, raised the ranks of the faithful with particular mention to the people of knowledge. He said, ‘Allah raises the faithful from amongst you and those given knowledge in stations/ranks’.

The Prophet peace be upon him was, therefore, the highest in rank as he was given knowledge of all that which he knew not. Allah, Most High, said, ‘And we taught you that which you knew not and the bounty of Allah upon you is great’.

It was through imparting this knowledge that the prophet peace be upon him built the first Muslim community; taking them out of the darkness of ignorance and into the light of guidance. And he peace be upon him saw the imparting of this sacred knowledge to be the survival of his community forever to come. He said, ‘I am leaving behind that which if you cling on to it, you will never deviate; The Book of Allah and my Sunnah’.

The City of Knowledge Academy endeavors to rise to the challenge and offer an institution of learning where traditional Islamic knowledge is imparted to all ages. Its certified teachers will strive to nurture and disseminate a balanced and accurate Islam: firmly rooted in the foundation of Islam and highly branched out to the world. Fertile earth, enough sunlight and water are essentials in the growing of fruitful plants and fragrant flowers

The City of Knowledge Academy is a non-profit organisation registered as a charity in England and Wales at 1137342. We aim to provide traditional Islamic learning to all ages. Our policy is to use modern techniques to serve the presentation of knowledge in a friendly manner. Our conviction is that knowledge can only be truly learnt if it is ‘lived’. So, hence, our motto is ‘to learn it is to live it’.

Up Till Now

Since its founding in 2009 in Birmingham, UK, The Academy has offered a broad range of high-quality educational programs, conferences, courses, consultation services, recreational activities and lectures delivered by some of the world, respected Muslim scholars. By serving Muslims in various areas of life and by addressing some of the most challenging issues of our time, the academy has established a reputation as a pioneering centre to serve Islam and the Muslim.

Traditional Methodology

We seek knowledge from the primary sources of the Quran and Sunnah, as they have been understood and explained by the masters of our tradition through the highly comprehensive and accurate Ijaza system of transmission. The Ijaza system guards against whimsical and baseless thought and opinion. We are a text-based people who have conclusive statements of reference in the primary sources or collective wisdoms in unanimous agreements and analogical derivations of recognised scholars.

Traditional Islamic learning employs the method whereby students are tutored with text and nurtured with care. The teacher-student relationship is like that of the parent-child in love and care, and respect and honour. This sense of loyalty makes it intrinsically incumbent upon the student to in delve deep into the scholarship and spiritual state of the teacher. Once the teacher is confident with the training of the student with absolute loyalty to the tradition itself only then is the student certified.

The Three Principles 

The City of Knowledge Academy nurtures its students upon the following three principles
1. Learning the sciences of Islam through un-broken chains of transmission taken from reliable scholars.
2. Practicing knowledge with adopting fine Prophetic character throughout.
3. Teaching and conveying the message in its original form.